Falling In Love With Film


For as long as I can remember I’ve loved movies. As a kid, we would head down to the local blockbuster on a Friday evening and try to snag a new, 2-night release. We’d make popcorn and my sister and I would these stories unfold on the screen of a hero on a grand adventure, a side-bursting comedy or an action thriller set somewhere new and exciting in the world.

As I got older and into high school, I knew making films was what I wanted to do. For a while it was all I could think about, I went to a private college for filmmaking and went on to create some fresh, exciting and fun projects. Along the way, I began to also make corporate promotional and social videos. I loved every minute of it!

But somewhere along the way, the spark for telling stories faded. I still loved it, but it didn’t feel the same. I made excuses as to why my projects weren’t getting made and stopped expanding my network with the same love and passion I once did for others who shared in my craft.

I’ve seen others I know move along and work on some of the top film projects and companies out there and others who have abandoned the ship altogether and here I was floating somewhere in the middle. Paddling my canoe, on my own race but not really liking where I was going.

Making films and storytelling is rewarding and a fulfilling pursuit and anyone working within the industry has their motivators and passions that inspire them to keep going, even when it seems like no one really understands why they do what they do.

For me, I need to fall in love with filmmaking again. These are not words I say lightly. They come after a long conversation between my wife and me and an even longer conversation between myself and God. The passion is there, I can feel it, I ALWAYS feel it but the love for the craft, storytelling and association with others who will inspire me and fuel my excitement is low.

This blog was supposed to be a place where I teach and share insightful tips on making movies is going to take a slight turn to start. Join me, as I journey back into falling in love with filmmaking, making new friends, shooting fun projects and following my passion. I’ll be posting weekly blogs, updating my Instagram, TikTok and YouTube shorts with videos, personal stories and what inspires me to do what I do.

Follow along -> Instagram/TikTok/YouTube: @sevenseasprod


The Excitement of Filmmaking