Inspiration Through Travel

Inspiration Through Travel

As a creative, it's not uncommon to experience periods of burnout or creative slumps. However, taking vacations and holidays can actually be a great opportunity to come up with new and exciting content. Whether you're travelling to a new location, trying new activities, or simply taking a break from your regular routine, there are many ways to ignite your creativity and find inspiration.

One of the best ways to get inspired during your time off is to explore the area you’re staying in. This could mean going for a walk around your resort, taking a guided tour through historical places or just living your life in a new location. By exposing yourself to new locations and scenery you'll expand your horizons and gain new perspectives that can help inspire your work. Personally, I like to research the places I’m going before I get there so I already have an idea of must-see places or things.

Plan out the content you want to get before you leave for your holiday. For me, this means making bullet points of all the things I wanted to capture. Do I always get all of the shots or visit all of the places I write down? Nope and that’s ok! I use it as a guide and usually in the order of priority of what I really want to make sure I get content of at the top to some things that are “nice to have” but not a necessity at the bottom.

Finally, consider using your time off to collaborate with other creatives. Whether you're working with friends, family, or colleagues, collaboration can be a powerful way to generate new ideas, grow a new following and bring fresh perspectives to your work. Brainstorming sessions, creative workshops, and even just bouncing ideas off of one another can all help to spark your creativity and take your craft to new heights.

I recently came back from a family vacation down in Florida. I took my own advice and wrote out all of the top videos I wanted to create and what shots I would need to put them together. I came back with so many great memories and a real boost to my creativity!

Ultimately, I find the key to staying creative during your time off is to stay open-minded, curious, and engaged with the world around you. By embracing new experiences, taking time for reflection, and collaborating with others, you can unlock your full creative potential and create work that truly speaks to you and your audience. So the next time you're feeling stuck in a creative slump, consider taking a vacation or holiday as an opportunity to break free and explore all that the world has to offer.


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